I am a Republican who understands the importance of wearing a mask in order to *reduce* the transmission rate of airborne illnesses, such as Covid-19.

This is precisely why I want to take a moment to condemn top Democratic leaders for being utter fools for refusing to wear masks in public, out of fear of looking weak or to not give Republican media outlets ‘the satisfaction’.

Since this outbreak started, our intelligent and sensible leader, Donald J. Trump, has pleaded with American leaders and the country’s residents to use commonsense and wear masks, but Democrats refused to listen. Democrats found a way to politicize mask wearing – a commonsense practice that should have been agnostic to partisanship.

History will see Democrats as uneducated morons who acted against the interest of the public health of our great nation.

Just look at the picture. This was taken on literally DAY ONE after the CDC’s updated guidelines included mask wearing MONTHS ago. Be like our great President. Wear a mask.